Thursday, June 5, 2008

Fuel Price Increased Again!

Yesterday's announcement by our PM came as a big surprise to every Malaysian. We were not surprise about the the Government's intention to increase fuel prices. It was already expected to happen after the March 8 2008 election. However, we were surprise by the huge increase being imposed. Just think about it. Now we have to pay even more for our cost of living because before long all other items will definitely increase in prices. Where does that leave the average wage earning Malaysians? I leave that question to be answered by you guys.

Ok so the Government came up with some rebate scheme which is meant to calm the people down. I mean giving back RM625 per year for private cars below 2000cc and RM150 per year for motorcycles below 250cc is really nothing. With our current poorly managed public transport system, the Rakyat still relies heavily on their own transportation. I mean people still need to commute from home to work, sending their kids to school, etc. Furthermore, many companies have not even increased the salaries of their staff to reflect the increase in cost of living. The official indication of our inflation is about 3% and it is expected that it will increase to about 5% this year. I think this figure is actually higher that what is reported. Anyway that is how I feel so consider it my own personal opinion.

So at the end of the day, we the Rakyat cannot do anything about the fuel increment since we have no control of the decision made by our Federal Cabinet but what we should do instead is to demand that Petronas makes public their accounts. This is because Malaysia is a net exporter of crude oil. Unlike Indonesia, which had recently pulled out of OPEC, they are a net importer because their local demand for fuel is actually higher then what they can produce. How come Brunei is left out by the Government when comparing fuel prices with our neighbours?

Why am I saying all of the above? Well because as an average wage earner, I feel that the country is going from bad to worse. I personally find that our disposable incomes are getting thinner and thinner. That means our savings will be affected and eventually that will affect our lives.

Perhaps the Government should also reduced or abolish import duty for cars and the need to pay for our road taxes for privately owned cars. These are some steps which can be taken immediately to compensate for the fuel price increase. However, people who currently own cars will not benefit unless they are buying new cars but at least new car buyers will be able to benefit from these changes.

The Government should also look into establishing a minimum wage system. This would at least make life better for certain lower income group. As for the hardcore poor, I am waiting to see what the Government will do to help these people. Hopefully they will not be made to suffer in the long term. Whatever it is, something needs to be done and it needs to be done soon.

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